Adultdex 2001

December 31, 2001

Adutldex Show 2001

We had a booth at the annual Adultdex show (which runs during COMDEX) in Las Vegas. Caroline Pierce (left) and Darla Crane (right) signed autographs and posed with excited fans, while Steviee and Franne (below) sold lots of videos, DVDs and T-Shirts.

Click on the Slide Show Button to see lots of Digital Photos taken at the show.

Steviee - Franne
Adultdex 2001

East Coast Video Show


October 29, 2001

East Coast Video Show 2001

I made it out once again to Atlantic City for the annual East Coast Video Show. Saw lots of familiar faces, including Mike South, Dirty Bob and the one and only Ugly George, plus lots of porn stars like Nina Hartley, Samantha Sterlyng, Felicia Foxx, Keki Dare and lots of newcummers, including Anna D. Cans, who did a hot scene with me in my room.

Click on the Slide Show Button to see lots of Digital Photos taken at the show.




October 20, 2001

Rodney in the Rolling Stone

Afroman is a Rodney Moore fan!

In the October 11 issue of Rolling Stone, Rap Star Afroman ("Because I Got High") is briefly interviewed (p 43) and is asked about some of his favorite things. He mentions that his favorite adult movies are "Rodney's pornos." He says:

"I like Rodney's pornos. Most porn movies are terrible. The people don't know each other; they have a dumb excuse for having sex. But you can tell Rodney actually feels something about the chicks he's with. He likes 'em. They talk, they hug, they kiss."

Thanks Afroman! I love your song, it cracks me up everytime I hear it. I even ran out and bought the CD after only the second time I heard it on the radio.



September 1, 2001

Rodney's Boat Adventure Part One

Varian Gray of Seattle invited me to come out boating on Lake Washington with him and Katura. When he mentioned she was very horny and wanted to get reamed in all her orifices, I gave him a definite YES! I also invited Candy Cotton to join in the festivities. Got a lot of great footage, which I plan on putting in a volume of Different Strokes called Rodney's Boat Adventures.

Click on the Slide Show Button to see lots of Digital Photos taken on the boat.



August 19, 2001

Amateur Fest 2001

Last night I attended a party thrown by the folks from Amateurnet. It was a party featuring lots of amateur girls who have their own web sites. Bisexual Britni came down with an entourage of strippers from Denver and a few friends. With her was Lacie (who I've already done 2 scenes with) Rain (also 2 scenes) plus Kennedy and Sasha who I've yet to work with. Familiar faces also in attendance were Oasis, Brandy Lyons, Samantha Sterlyng, Anne Howe, Dave Cummings and Max Hardcore. I met a few new web girls who hopefully can be persuaded soon to become Rodney Blast Survivors.

Click on the Slide Show Button to see lots of Digital Photos I took at the party.



July 23, 2001

Plumber's Butt

After staring at Caroline's Butt for 3 days at the Erotica LA show, I came up with this idea for an opening scene. We shot it a couple of days later, and it was impossible for me to do it without cracking up every time. I think you will too.

Watch for this scene in Goo GIrls 4.

Click on the photo above or HERE to see the Quicktime Movie Clip.



July 15, 2001

Day Three at the Erotica LA Show

Rubee Tuesday and Queeny Love joined Caroline Pierce, Steviee, Franne and I for the final day of the Annual Erotica LA show. A few more familiar faces stopped by to say hello, including a very familiar face to Cumm Brothers fans. Someone finally wised up and wheeled in an Espresso cart. Hey, I couldn't have been the only guy there who has lived in Seattle. I'd like to thank all the fans who stopped by and said hello, bought videos, DVD's and T-shirts, and had the pleasure of having one of our lovely girls sit on their lap for a Polaroid.


Click on the the Slideshow Button to see lots of Digital Photos from the show!.    


July 14, 2001

Day Two at the Erotica LA Show

Today was a long day at Erotica LA. The show started at 11am and went to 11pm. Thousands of fans stopped by and met Darla Crane, Caroline Pierce, Vantasia and Lexi Lane at our Rodnievision booth. While Darla (and her lovely cleavage on display) got the most fans to buy Polaroids of her sitting on their laps yesterday, today it was Caroline Pierce (and her ample hardly covered butt) who had the honor of doing over 100 Polaroids during the course of the day. They were also joined today by Vantasia and Rodney exclusive (so far)Lexi Lane. Again Steviee and Franne were hand to sell videos, T-Shirts and DVD's (which we sold out of). I took 50 shots today, and you can see all of them by clicking the Slideshow button below. Also got some shots of some of the girls signing at the other booths, like Christi Lake and Alana, and Queeny Love even stopped by (right). She may even stop by the booth tomorrow to sign autographs for awhile. There's one day left, so if you're near LA, stop by before 5, and say hello cos today's the last day.


Click on the the Slideshow Button to see 50 Digital Photos from the show!.    


July 13, 2001

Day One at the Erotica LA Show

Tonight was the first day of the 2001 Erotica LA show. Hundreds of fans stopped by and met Darla Crane, Caroline Pierce and Mia Domore at our Rodnievision booth. The girls were more than happy to sign autographs and pose for Polaroids while sitting on the laps of delightd fans. Of course, my two able bodies assistants Steviee and Franne were also hand to sell videos, DVD's and T-Shirts. They even got requests for lap-sitting Polaroids! With my new Digital camera in hand, I took lots of pictures. My 2 favorites below are the one with Darla flogging a cute Asian girl, and the one of me (to the right) checking out a "New Model". Hmm, I bet SHE wouldn't mind receiving a Rodney Blast!! If you're near LA, stop by and say hello. The show continues through Sunday at the LA Convention Center.


Click on the the Slideshow Button to see lots of Digital Photos from the show!.    

Click here to go back further in the year 2001 in RODNEY's DIARY.